1330 W. 25th St, San Bernardino, CA 92405
Change LocationDigital Inventory is the most important aspect of our process. That’s why it’s the first thing we do at 1-800-Packouts of The Inland Empire!
Having a record of all items that are packed, cleaned, and stored ensures a smooth process and adds accountability to our teams.
Digital Inventory is consistently updated throughout the whole process – during cleaning, and storage, and helps ensure an efficient and easy takeback!
Every single item that has been affected or will be packed out is entered into our inventory. We take multiple pictures of items to keep track of damage and condition to make sure items all items are accounted for.
All inventory and photos are stored online via inventory software. These storage servers are secure, and item photos will never be shared without permission.
Our Inventory process could help you! Give us call to talk about how our entire process can be a great solution for you.